The Bum Bag comes in 2 different sizes and has a unique reversible feature that color coordinates with our diapers. Whether you are on the go or at home "The Bum Bag" is a must have. The SMALL BAG is great for short day outings. It will hold 3-5 diapers. There are many uses for the small bag including carrying clean diapers, wet bathing suits, dirty clothes, wet towels, and of course dirty diapers. The LARGE BAG is great for lining your pail. (Fits most 8 gallon cans or diaper pails) On laundry day dump soiled diapers in the washer and toss your Bum Bag in with them. The large bag is also handy for traveling.
Smail Size: 34*38cm
Large Size: 52*65cm
Large Size is available in stock.